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EIGE’s Management Board met for its 40th meeting on 15-16 June 2023 in Vilnius. The Board discussed the follow-up to EIGE’s 2nd External Evaluation, the first draft of its 2025-2027 Single Programming Document and other ongoing business. Management Board members, together with other representatives from Member States not currently appointed to EIGE’s Board also participated…
More than 10 years ago, EIGE as the EU’s knowledge centre on gender equality, started working with EU candidate countries and potential candidates under the European Commission’s Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). The goal was to improve gender equality in the Western Balkans and Türkiye region. After over a decade, here are 10 key achievements…
Gender-targeted measures in the Recover and Resilience Facility (RRF) – a Post COVID-19 EU support programme – are strikingly absent, as EIGE’s latest evidence finds. It is estimated that less than 2 % of total funds planned to be budgeted by Member States – mobilised through the RRF – will be dedicated to gender-targeted measures.…
Unpaid care is often taken for granted. It’s simply done without question as a labour of love. But EIGE’s new time use survey focused on care, leisure and volunteering activities reveals unpaid care is in a pressure cooker situation right now which demands introspection and long-term solutions. Data collected from all EU Member States found…
Welcome to the newly revamped website of EIGE! We have been listening to your feedback and have worked hard to create a platform that caters to your needs. Through a series of consultations and user surveys, we have made significant changes to the website, keeping in mind the ever-changing demands of our users. What’s new?…
The latest data on women in decision-making roles in the Western Balkans and Türkiye paint a mixed picture but are on the right path for the future.
The latest data on women in decision-making roles in the Western Balkans and Türkiye paint a mixed picture but are on the right path for the future.
Today is International Women’s Day. An occasion to celebrate the wins for gender equality so far. To reflect on the struggles. And a day to look ahead, take a glance at the future and imagine what could be.
EIGE’s new report for the Western Balkans and Türkiye provides guidance for combatting violence against women.
With International Women’s Day just around the corner, progress towards gender equality is high on the agenda. But what does it take to really pave the way for gender equality?