The main expected outcome of TWOST is an online tool to develop personalised guidance towards gender awareness, with particular focus on
prevention in creating new stereotyped media contents and behaviours by youth workers and their organisations.
The TWOST Online evaluation tool will aim to help youth workers to:
- Develop competence and awareness on gender stereotyping and gender-based violence and harassment in their everyday work
- Engage more actively in reflecting on their pedagogical practice in terms of gender approach, stimulated by a structured self-assessment exercise providing feedback according to different levels of progression
- Self-direct their learning and develop their competence whenever they want, at their own pace, extending professional development opportunities to informal online learning environments
- Establish a personal competence profile which can be compared to other youth workers
- Access a tailored ecosystem of European and national training resources to further develop their competencies according to need or interest.
The TWOST self assessment tool will be web based in order to guarantee full fruibility and wide and easy accessibility. Moreover it will be updated
on real time by all the users, who will receive online credentials and will upload the results of testing activities. At the end of application of selfassessment tool by stakeholders, all participants of test panel will share the results and could discuss about own experiences, on success cases or
possible doubts, concerning the different sections (coaching, leadership, stereotype in communication activities, gender-based violence,
participation). The TWOST online tool will not be a “solitary” or self-referential tool. On the contrary, the project foresees two important interactive actions:
1) the user will not be left alone, but instead will have online help tools available to obtain specific feedback, which in turn will positively influence the continuous re-engineering of the instrument
2) the organizations that will use the tool will also have the concrete possibility of establishing peer-to-peer connections with other TWOST users, with the possibility of creating geographical or sectoral relationships. The online tool will therefore provide tools to facilitate the creation of new
exchanges and connections between clubs, in order to maximize the exploitation of positive actions undertaken in terms of gender.
It will be included also a special section of evaluation based on TWOST qualitative Approach, which will measure the intensity rate of “sexism”
phenomenon in the identified frames, before and after the application of TWOST tool. The results will allow to point out the cases which reach the
improvement of performance against gender-based stereotype issue, and will identify the subjects will be able to achieve the TWOST Quality label.
Each test section will be linked to a final score, which will determine the classification of quality label among partners and stakeholders. TWOST
Tools will create a real-time crowdsourced geographic map that will be able to make visible the hidden gender stereotype in youth education,
reducing its power, and revealing the success of crucial cases in order to start a bottom up change.