TWOST – Database and Interactive Guidelines

This Intellectual Output foresees the creation of a Database and a guidance towards existing best practices and guidelines. The customized online results, in terms of examples, recommendations and good practices, will be identified on the basis of a database, created following the resources identified by a previus indeep research carried on by all partners. The…

TWOST – Online evaluation tool

The main expected outcome of TWOST is an online tool to develop personalised guidance towards gender awareness, with particular focus on prevention in creating new stereotyped media contents and behaviours by youth workers and their organisations. The TWOST Online evaluation tool will aim to help youth workers to: Develop competence and awareness on gender stereotyping…

Expected results

The self assessment tools are aimed at combating gender discrimination, and are designed to be inclusive and standardized and therefore applicable to the plurality of contexts in which youth workers or volunteers can operate and develop their professional and individual skills. They focus their intervention on a qualitative as well as a quantitative approach, bridging…

What is TWOST

TWOST is aimed at preventing gender based discrimination towards youth. The project addresses in particular a cross-sectorial cooperation, allowing for greater synergies across all fields of actions concerning young people, with a special focus on access to rights, autonomy, participation –including e-participation– and the active citizenship of young people, avoiding gender self-segregation phenomena and promoting…