Inspiring interview with Lorenzo Bini trainer of Dynamo Camp for TWOST.EU
We would like to thank Professor Michael Kehler from the University of Calgary for being with us and bringing his valuable contributions to TWOST Multiplier Event! We thank you a lot for sharing with us your thoughts on what gender equality is and why it matters!
Have you ever wondered what gender equality means to you? If there is an equal division of labor in your home, how big is the gender pay gap in your country, or if you’ve ever had trouble choosing a sport, thinking it’s too masculine or feminine? Today, we would like to share with you an…
Children at a young age (2-6 years) have not yet developed the ability to evaluate criteria and make choices, obviously we are not talking about whether they prefer to drink water or juice or if they like chocolate more than lentils, we refer to things and situations that in the future will develop the children…
Recently The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency has published a report on the Gender Equality and Dimensions of Poverty . In the report is stated that, gender equality is a prerequisite for poverty reduction and sustainable development. Gender equality is achieved when women and men, girls and boys, have equal rights, life prospects and opportunities,…